La'Shaé is a wardrobe stylist and image consultant born and raised in the windy
city of Chicago, IL but currently residing in sunny Arizona. As a child,
Christina La'Shaé loved rummaging through the closets of her mother and
grandmother to see what treasures she could find to play dress up in around the
house. She discovered that her grandmother had an immense collection of
beautifully crafted dresses and eclectic accessories while her mother had a
wicked collection of trendy shoes. She remembers staring in amazement as
she looked at herself in the mirror modeling in her grandmother’s dazzling ruby
red earrings and necklace to match. Christina La'Shaé would also prance around
the house in her mother’s bold and bright colored shoes thinking that she ran
the town. Her mother had an impeccable sense of style that was very
elegant and chic. Her mother would tell her “If you don’t have the shoes
to match or if your shoes don’t make a statement, then don’t waste the outfit.”
She also dabbled in her grandmother’s vintage shoes because her feet were smaller than her mother’s. Her grandmother would say “Chris you have to work on your posture, walk straight, shoulders back and head held high when you walk. You can keep practicing for now because practice makes perfect. But your time will come when you can walk in heels but for now just enjoy being a kid.” Her grandmother was the epitome of a “Regal Woman.” Both women exuded confidence, a radiant magnetic glow, class, and poise when they walked into a room. Her mother always told her “When a woman looks good, she feels good and she should still look good even when she’s feeling her worst.
Christina's grandmother and mother shared valuable life lessons that groomed her into the woman that she is today. Their sense of unique style was very stimulating to her at young age and she couldn’t wait to develop her own flair and confidence like the two strong beautiful women who rocked in her life.
One’s personal image is very powerful. It is Christina’s mission as a wardrobe stylist and image consultant to help men and women discover their very own unique sense of style so that they're always prepared to be their own walking advertisement. You should not only make the right first impression, but make a lasting impression every time.